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Ecological and Health Issues of Plastic Waste

Authors: Cook, C. and Halden, R.

Plastic Waste and Recycling: Environmental Impact, Societal Issues, Prevention, and Solutions, March 2020

Human and environmental health impacts of plastics and plastic-associated additives (P&PA) may be wide-reaching with impacts across the entire food-chain and all freshwater resources. Currently, micro-and nanoplastics (MNPs) are known to degrade in the environment and contaminate various food resources such as shellfish, sea salt, and drinking water including treated, untreated, and bottled water resources. While little literature is available on the impact of acute, long-term exposure to MNPs, studies are indicating the possibility for transport and deposition in various vital organs such as the liver, kidney, and gut. Due to the direct impact of MNPs on the general public via drinking water resources, P&PA toxicity is explored extensively.


Cook, C. and Halden, R. “Ecological and Health Issues of Plastic Waste.” In Plastic Waste and Recycling: Environmental Impact, Societal Issues, Prevention, and Solutions, editor Trevor M. Letcher, 513-527. London: Academic Press, 2020.