Resiliency Planning: A Risk-based Approach to Seismic Evaluation for Southern California’s Orange County Sanitation District
Authors: Doehring, J., Conkle, C., and Cutler, D.
Water World, April 2021
Authors: Doehring, J., Conkle, C., and Cutler, D.
Water World, April 2021
Resiliency is a major concern for the stewards of wastewater infrastructure, and this is particularly true for the Orange County Sanitation District (OC San) of Southern California. Located 30 miles southeast of Los Angeles in a seismically active region, OC San provides wastewater collection, treatment, and disposal services for approximately 2.6 million people. Because OC San’s facilities are exposed to seismic hazards, the potential for earthquake damage and associated service disruptions is a significant threat to their $11 billion infrastructure.
in 2017 OC San organized a team comprised of Geosyntec Consultants, Carollo Engineers, and Infraterra, and proactively completed a resiliency study to evaluate OC San’s treatment facilities for potential seismic hazards and to develop mitigation strategies to improve operational resiliency.
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Doehring, J., Conkle, C., and Cutler, D. “Seismic Evaluation.” Water World. April 2021.