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The State of Biosolids Regulations in the U.S. and Florida: Can You Have Your Cake and Dispose of It Too?

Authors: Cohen, N. and Barksdale, J.

Florida Water Resources Journal

Our understanding of biosolids is constantly evolving, as are regulations that seek to safeguard public health and environmental well-being from potential risks posed by the nutrient content and other constituents found in biosolids.

Nicole Cohen and Jody Barksdale, PE, ENV SP’s recent article in the Florida Water Resources Journal provides a helpful, in-depth look at recent biosolids developments by the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), as well as recent and upcoming biosolids laws in Florida, particularly with regard to nutrient restrictions and nutrient management.


Cohen, N. and Barksdale, J. “The State of Biosolids Regulations in the U.S. and Florida: Can You Have Your Cake and Dispose of It Too?” Florida Water Resources Journal. 72(6):52-55, June 2021.