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Ak-Chin Indian Community Water and Wastewater Capital Improvements Project

Ak-Chin Indian Community
Santa Cruz Valley, Arizona
Arial view of AkChin Indian community water and wastewater project

Project Overview

Infrastructure upgrades and a new cutting-edge WRF enable growth and expansion for the Ak-Chin Indian Community

Located in Maricopa, Arizona, the Ak-Chin Indian Community consists of over 1,100 tribal members who, on 15,000 productive acres, maintain one of the largest farming communities in the U.S. as well as the 72,000-square-foot Harrah’s Ak-Chin Casino Resort. To prepare water and wastewater capacities capable of accommodating their continued growth and development, the Community initiated the Water and Wastewater Capital Improvements Project—their largest infrastructure effort to date.

This project’s centerpiece was the design and construction of the Ak-Chin Water Reclamation Facility (WRF), a 0.6-mgd plant that employs a membrane bioreactor (MBR) treatment process and ultraviolet (UV) disinfection to produce high-quality reclaimed water and Arizona Class A+ effluent, which can be used for recharge and reuse applications throughout the Community. In addition to constructing this new WRF, the project also demanded the upgrade and expansion of 21,800 linear feet (LF) in potable water distribution piping, 29,500 LF in wastewater collection piping, 3,200 LF in reclaimed water piping, and two wastewater lift stations.

Carollo was selected to provide all of the planning, design, and construction services for this landmark project, which demanded an accelerated scheduled to accommodate funding availability and the planned expansion of the Harrah’s Ak-Chin Casino Resort. The compact timeline highlighted the importance of streamlining the design and construction and establishing open lines of communication between all team members as well as members of the Community, including the Community Council, Elders, the Community geographic information system (GIS), fire, and police departments.

To build a facility that would showcase the Community’s vibrant culture, history, and commerce and create flexible, multifunctional spaces, the project incorporated thoughtful architectural components throughout the design and also invited Community artists to create unique art elements for the site’s terrazzo flooring, building fascia panels, and outdoor ramada. Furthermore, the Ak-Chin WRF was constructed with a 13,000-square-foot Environmental Protection Department building and a multipurpose laboratory that also serves as a public meeting space for Community events.

In just 22 months, Carollo and the Community cleared an agricultural field, constructed this innovative site and its buildings, and upgraded existing infrastructure. All project elements were designed to accommodate further development and prosperity within the Community, and, thanks to the flexibility offered by MBR, the state-of-the-art Ak-Chin WRF will be prepared for future capacity expansions.

Results and Highlights

Fast-tracked design and construction of a 0.6-mgd MBR WRF that serves a growing Native American reservation and community.

Large-scale upgrades of existing infrastructure including 54,500 LF in piping and two wastewater lift stations.

A flexible, multi-functional site that celebrates culture, heritage, and tradition as well as integrates growth initiatives for the future.

Project Awards and Accolades

2013 Water Treatment Project of the Year

AZ Water Association

2012 Wastewater Treatment Project of the Year

AZ Water Association

2012 Excellence in Masonry Architectural Awards

Arizona Masonry Guild, Inc.

2011 Small WateReuse Project of the Year (Honorable Mention)

WateReuse Association

2010 Innovations in Water and Wastewater Treatment Grand Award

Bentley Be Inspired Award

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