Dynamic Water Balance Model

Project Overview
The central coast city and county of Monterey have historically relied on the Carmel River and the Seaside Groundwater Basin for their water supply. However, after years of overuse and a resulting deterioration of water quality, these resources now have regulatory usage restrictions placed on them.
To meet both non-potable and potable recycled water demands, M1W operates these key facilities, alongside the Salinas Valley Reclamation Plant, and also works with multiple service and project partners who, in addition to supporting M1W’s service, have institutional agreements for allocations of treated water. M1W must honor these agreements while also complying with governing rules that dictate and prioritize how wastewater is used.
Carollo developed a dynamic water balance model of this complex network of facilities and partners so M1W may make effective decisions that balance the use of multiple wastewater sources without wasting them or the treated product. That is, MW1 handles and treats municipal wastewater in addition to the intermittent use of three additional sources: Industrial processing water, crop drainage water, and urban stormwater runoff. The diverted volume of each of these four sources varies seasonally and with hydrologic conditions and, again, is subject to governing rules and allocations for specific end uses.
Using our proprietary Blue Plan-it® dynamic model, Carollo led the complex task of matching MW1’s various supplies and demands while accounting for numerous rules of use. The customized model output strikes a delicate, monthly balance of sources and use under various conditions (some of which change month to month) and identifies options that optimally utilize the availability of intermittent sources to meet demands in the order of priority.
Today, the model provides a foundation of consensus and understanding for an intricate system involving multiple sources, demands, partners, facilities, and agreements. Beyond being a decision-making tool, the model also serves as a crucial accountability measure that allows M1W to communicate their water use and allocation to their various partners, thus improving coordination between entities.