Process Advancements at Omohundro and KR Harrington Water Treatment Plants

Project Overview
Metro Water Services (MWS) provides drinking water to over 700,000 people in and around Nashville, Tennessee, through two 90-mgd water treatment plants (WTPs): the Omohundro WTP, which was built in 1889 and is on the National Register of Historic Places, and the KR Harrington WTP, constructed almost a century later in 1978.
These aging plants have continued to be placed under the extended stress of meeting service area demands. As such, MWS decided to implement a seven-year effort to significantly rehabilitate and modernize their two treatment facilities under a construction manager at-risk (CMAR) project delivery structure.
From our new Nashville office, Carollo will design and oversee the construction of the plants’ new raw and intermediate pumping stations, pre-treatment and filter improvements, chemical feed upgrades, clearwell facilities, and, most significantly, new post-filter granular activated carbon (GAC) adsorption facilities to improve the taste and odor of drinking water and minimize disinfection by-products (DBPs). The project team will logically sequence and coordinate these comprehensive modifications so the plants may continue producing safe, high-quality water for MWS’s customers with minimal operational interruptions.
This important project will support MWS in reliably achieving their water quality goals now and long into the future.