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Safe, Clean Water Program

Los Angeles Bureau of Sanitation (LASAN)
Los Angeles County, California

Project Overview

Acting as the program manager for LASAN's portion of Los Angeles County's Safe, Clean Water Program.

Los Angeles watersheds lose more than 100 billion gallons of water to the ocean annually—enough to supply more than 2 million people. Much of this loss is due to inadequate capture of stormwater runoff. In response, L.A. County initiated its $300 million per year Safe, Clean Water (SCW) Program. Funded by tax revenues, approximately $100 million of this program is managed annually by the Los Angeles Bureau of Sanitation (LASAN) to maximize city water quality, water supply, and community benefits, particularly in disadvantaged communities.

As the planning phase program manager for LASAN’s portion of the program, Carollo has assisted with feasibility studies and the prioritization for dozens of  projects, including green water infrastructure, green streets, infiltration/recharge systems, urban lake retrofits, and stormwater capture and harvesting systems.

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